Bad Credit Loans, Car Title Loans

A Poor Credit Score Can’t Stop You From Getting Loan Approval.

Some lenders in Canada refuse to lend money to people having a poor credit score. They need to be sure that the borrower will return the money on time. If in case he fails, the lender must have the surety that he can cover the loan amount by taking the possession of the collateral. So before lending money, they prefer to perform a mandatory credit check.


But you don’t need to feel low as we have a better solution for you. You can consider lousy credit car title loan in Ontario as your helping hand in the time of difficulty. Pit Stop Loans is offering title loans without performing any credit check. If you have a poor credit score, your application won’t turned down when you apply with Pit Stop Loans. Our loan process is not time-consuming. You can start the process by just filling the online application and submitting it online.

Our bad credit car title loans are made especially for the people having a poor credit score. We know how it feels when you get constant rejections, hence, we are here to provide the best loan service in Ontario. Whether it’s about getting a loan for the personal expenses or business investment, you can apply for the loan without any hesitation. Also, there is no need of any co-signer or guarantor.

Bank Loans Vs. Pit Stop Loans

No doubt banks are the first option when people think about the loan. But there are some points which you need to keep in mind while considering a traditional mortgage.

Credit check: A credit check is must with the banks. Banks want to make sure that the borrower has a good credit history of past loans. It gives them a surety that they can trust and lend money to the borrower.

Early Payments: Banks don’t allow the payments before the given time frame. If you start making payments earlier than the decided time, you might get charged the penalty.

Employment: If you have a job, then only you are eligible for a bank loan. Banks don’t want to lend money to the people having no job security or no job at all. If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the bank can recover the amount from their monthly income.

Paperwork: For a loan with the bank, you need to submit a lot of documents such as credit report, job proof, papers of your collateral, a co-signer that can guarantee to pay the loan if the borrower fails.

With Pit Stop Loans, you won’t find any such problem. There is no credit check or employment check as we consider the car as your equity. If your vehicle is free of liens, you can borrow money against the car title. Also, the early payments are allowed without any penalty. The paperwork is straightforward as we don’t ask for any strict documents. We ask only for the driver’s license, papers of clear vehicle title, duplicate keys. It’s that easy. Apply for the bad credit car title loans in Ontario quickly.

Pick your mobile phone or log on to your desktop and open our website or call us at 1-800-514-9399

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